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That God who drinks - Strange Song

10 Dic 2018 21:10 #1 por CesarFornesBerlanga

  • Mensajes: 3162

  • Género: Desconocido
  • Fecha de Nacimiento: 06 Dic 2005
  • That God who drinks - Strange Song

    It's funny. Why do you always look at the sky when you think about God? We are of the opinion (very personal, of course) that we really should close our eyes. I hope no one gets angry with the lyrics.

    May be Life is just a juice that fills the glass
    of a sad God who drinks to forget his solitude

    and wodering about that mystery
    of being or not being

    I think I am a fruit fallen from the Apple tree He did
    to become the magic water that softens
    the emptyness of His abyss
    the emptyness of His abyss

    Strange sensation to feel me an apple that has to madurate before becoming the essence
    He will drink later

    I think I am a fruit fallen from the Apple tree He did
    to become the magic water that softens
    the emptyness of His abyss
    the emptyness of His abyss

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